Preparing my Heart For Easter - Imperfect Homemaker

Preparing my Heart For Easter

preparing my heart for Easter

March 31 marks a very special day in all of our lives. For some, it is simply a day to usher in spring…with bunnies, lambs, candy and fun games. But for every born again Christian, it is an important celebration of the coming of The Lamb, the Savior of the world.

Ever since 2011, I have made it a point to not let that day come and go as just another holiday. No, I think that every believer should allow Easter Sunday to make a difference in their spiritual lives – our own personal reawakening, if you will.

Think about this:

Christmas is the day we celebrate Jesus birth on this earth. We spend weeks, even months preparing for that day. Yes, we do spend a lot of time and effort on the commercial aspect of Christmas, but most Christians also spend plenty of time preparing to celebrate His birth. We prepare special musical numbers, and even spend months preparing choir presentations and cantatas, all to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. There are many great activities and such that we do with our children and Sunday Schools to teach the nativity story. I even spent weeks focusing on the Christmas story on my blog this last year, in an effort to not forget what the season is really about. All of this is right and good! But why do we spend so much time on His birth, and only one single day on His death?

Yes, His birth was important and fulfilled prophecies and was completely necessary for redemption’s plan. But it wasn’t the only step of the plan. It was not His birth that washed my sins away…it was His death! And I personally do not want to forget all that He suffered for me.

Cook quote

So each year, I take the weeks leading up to Easter and spend some concentrated time focusing on Christ. I normally study Christ’s life, death and resurrection more fully from the Bible passages that deal with these events. I spend some time memorizing and meditating on verses related to our salvation. And I also read a book that digs into redemption’s plan.

I find that this concentrated time of studying Christ makes a big impact on my spiritual life! Spending time each morning focusing on Christ alone is so, so refreshing. It also takes me back to what I was before I got saved – a lost, hell-deserving sinner. It makes me so much the more grateful to Him and makes me want to serve Him in a greater way!

Why not give it a try? There are still almost 2 weeks before Easter Sunday. Take the time in those days to spend concentrated time focusing on your salvation. Include your family as well!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Our family has enjoyed using these Resurrection Eggs to tell the Easter story in the 12 days leading up to Easter. The last egg is especially thrilling! 🙂

Here is a great list by another blogger with loads of kiddo ideas and resources.

Grow your own Garden Tomb! Here is how one blogger did it.

Do you typically observe the Resurrection in a special way? How do you bring the focus of Easter back to the Lord? Any other activities you've tried before?


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