A Compact Travel System for Your Growing Family
The more children we have, the more interested I become in things that will save space both in the house and in the car.
There are so many odds and ends that I feel we have to keep in the car, but there is only so much room. I began the hunt for a compact travel system so that I could make other moms with growing families aware of it.
I specifically wanted to find a compact travel system rather than just a stroller because it is so nice to be able to just click the carseat out of the carseat base and into the stroller rather than having to transfer the baby (especially if he's sleeping!)
Here's what I found:
The Urbini Touri Compact Travel System not only lives up to its name as far as being compact, but it has lots of other fantastic features too! (Disclosure: I received the travel system free to facilitate this review; however, as always all opinions are 100% my own.)
- Stroller is a comfortable height and has a comfortable handle design
- Stroller rides very smoothly
- Stroller folds extremely compact
- Cup holder included with stroller
- Stroller recline angle adjusts to wherever you want it (and does so very easily)
- Stroller has adjustable footrest to make it the most comfortable for baby's size
- Stroller changes from swivel wheels to locked wheels to make pushing on rough terrain easier
- Stroller is easy to fold and unfold
- The sunshade on both the carseat and stroller provides lots of coverage
- Carseat includes a preemie insert for tiny babies
- Carseat cover and buckle cushions are easy to remove and wash
- Carseat harness is easy to adjust
- Carseat is lightweight

On the left is my umbrella stroller. On the right is the Urbini Touri stroller. They are pretty much the same size!

The stroller was packed very nicely for shipping. There was a lot of extra padding to prevent any part of it from getting damaged.
- The basket under the stroller is small; I guess a larger basket would not allow the stroller to be folded so compactly!
- Latching the carseat in and out of the base or stroller is not extremely convenient. Not a terrible deal, but it's not the easiest I've ever used.
- It doesn't seem like the most durable stroller in the world.
- The buckles do not buckle and unbuckle terribly smoothly.
Overall, the Urbini Touri is a very nice travel system at a very nice price. (Walmart.com has it listed at $149.) It has every feature I could wish for in a stroller, all in a very compact size. This is a great option for any family with small spaces and a small budget!