Anti-Procrastination: Using What You Have
This dirty little platter sat at the indoor yard sale for a good long while. I know that because I saw it there on several different occasions. It always caught my eye, but I always passed it up because I was trying to not to spend money needlessly, and I didn't know what in the world I would use it for.
One day I was there and I had a number of things that I was planning on purchasing. I saw this poor, lonely platter still sitting there, unclaimed. Since nothing is priced, whoever is running the store at the time will often just throw in any odds and ends that you have for free. I knew this was my chance to snatch it up, and sure enough, they ended up throwing it in for free.
I still didn't know what I was going to do with it, so I just stuck it up in the attic.
Last Saturday I was at another thrift store and I kept seeing all sorts of pretty things that I knew I could find some use for, but I couldn't bring myself to spend any money and bring more stuff into the house until I was using all the stuff I already had stuck up in the attic. (That platter was not the only thing I had shoved up there for future use.)
I passed up on all the things I found Saturday and determined that I was going to use all the beautiful things I already had.
I got down the platter, scrubbed it up, made a little printable, and stuck it on with glue dots. I was going to put clear contact paper over top of it, but I thought it ended up looking fine without it, so I just left it off. Plus, that way it will be a whole lot easier to switch out the printable if I want to use it during different seasons.
What do you have that you're not using? It's time to pull out those treasures and put them to good use!
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